Bibliografía sobre el Autor

*Edward Sapir: Appraisals of his life and work. Koerner, E. F. K.; Koerner, Konrad (1985)
* Edward Sapir: Linguist, Anthropologist, Humanist. Darnell, Regna (1989).
* The collected works of Edward Sapir: Culture. Darnell, Regna; Irvine, Judith T.; Handler, Richard (1999).
*L'hypothèse Sapir. Petite Revue de Philosophie, 1986. D. Fielding

:Bibliografía en Biblioteca sobre el Autor

*Selected writings of Edward Sapir in language, culture and personality. Edited By David G. Mandelabaum. 1963, Berkeley and Los Angeles University of California Press.
*Edward Sapir: Culture, Language, and personality, selected essays edited by David G. Mandelbaum. 1964.
*Lenguage, Culture, and Personality: Essays in Memory of Edward Sapir. Edited by Leslie Spier, A. Irving Hallowell and Stanley S. Newman. Sapir Memorial Publication Fund, Menasha, Wisconsin 1941.
*Fonología y Morfología, N. Trubetzkoy, E. Sapir y otros. Editorial Paidos, Buenos Aires 1972.

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